Chinese Family

History Group

We are a nonprofit genealogical group dedicated to preserving, documenting and sharing the stories of our Chinese and Chinese American ancestors. See how we can help you learn about your family history.

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The Chinese Family History Group seeks to inspire and empower Chinese and Chinese Americans by connecting them to their immigrant family history through community, research, and education.


Tips for starting your search, finding historical records, documenting and preserving the experiences of your ancestors.

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Distinguished Speakers, Presentations, Networking, and more…Enhance your research with keynote speakers, webinars, meetings, and more. 

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Become a member and gain access to the Guide for Researching Your Chinese Family History and our recorded webinars and meetings.

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The Chinese Family History Group has encountered some remarkable people while researching our family histories. We share some of their experiences to encourage you to keep exploring your family's story and journey from China. We are also sharing stories from our writing workshop, along with the prompt used to inspire the writing process.

By duda October 22, 2023
Prompt: Write about the person that raised you. Write about the things he/she did that annoyed you or things that you are grateful for. Write about the things you realized as an adult but didn’t understand as a child.
By duda July 27, 2023
What do you do with all the research you have amassed about your family’s history? How do you organize, document and preserve your story and your ancestor’s stories? The Chinese Family History Group offered a writi ng workshop for members in 2022, led by Cynthia Lim. Using writing prompts, participants started with scenes or short pieces about their family and shared with the group. The goal was to get participants to start writing and provide the stimulus to record their family history. A year later, the group is still meeting monthly and sharing stories. We share Linda Louie’s story about her experience in the writing workshop. Prompt: Write about an activity or ritual that grounds you or comforts you. Write about what makes you feel certain about your identity or sense of self or makes you feel “normal.” 
By duda June 4, 2022
“Reading their files made me uneasy. Their claim to citizenship was based on a lie. Were they ‘illegal immigrants’? Did that mean I wasn’t a true American?” 
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